June 27, 2024

Industrial Training And Onboarding Videos

Industrial training and onboarding videos (or orientation video) is a tool that employers use for there employee’s to communicate their company’s core values, provide a glimpse of what to expect and introduce them to fellow staff members.

Videographer capturing an industrial training and on-boarding session in a modern office setting, emphasizing videography and digital marketing in Mumbai.

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Benefits Of Industrial Training And Onboarding Videos

A man is taking only meeting on his computer screen

One simple method to introduce new employees to the company culture is by utilizing onboarding videos. The goal of industrial training and onboarding is to introduce new employees to the culture and policies of the organization and make sure they comprehend the procedures. An easy way to achieve this is by using a video for training new employees.

An orientation video for new employees is utilized by employers to convey their fundamental beliefs, offer a preview of what is to come and present them to other team members.

Companies have been utilizing these corporate videos for a long time to create unforgettable onboarding experiences. Gather the new employees for an orientation session in a conference room, present the video on a screen and you’re finished – that’s typically how the onboarding procedure begins.

Advantages Of Industrial Training And Onboarding Videos

Four people are discussing some work in a meeting

Onboarding videos provide a lasting knowledge base for new and experienced employees alike. We’ll take you through five compelling reasons you should make video part of your onboarding process.

1. Record Lessons Easily

Recording video of two people with a video camera

Corporate video production is simpler than ever. There are options for companies of all sizes at a wide range of price points. Modern consumer AV equipment can deliver pro quality results at a fraction of the cost, while some companies offer complete video solutions for organizations hoping to leave video production to someone else.

But for companies seeking to do it themselves, creating memorable onboarding videos doesn’t require a large team of technicians or production space. With a camera, microphone and a few lights, any space can be turned into an impromptu video studio, while the right hardware can record a digital copy for review at any time – and even automatically upload finished videos to a Content Management System (CMS) for easy access.

2. Keep Costs Low

Hand placing a red arrow over stacked coins, symbolizing rising costs. Keywords: videographer, videography, digital marketing, Mumbai

HR experts say a good onboarding process can take between three months to a year. Meanwhile, new employees want training to be led by their direct managers or supervisors to ensure the clearest understanding of their job. That’s reasonable, but not always realistic. The best trainers are often also your best employees, and taking those people away from their projects again and again over several months or a year just doesn’t make sense.

The time your senior staff are away from their core responsibilities costs time and money. It can be difficult to ask a team leader to allocate time for training for each new hire, but those live training sessions can easily be recorded and saved for the future. Even a very basic video with minimal editing provides ongoing value as it’s viewed again and again. Video lowers costs associated with onboarding new employees and ensures the quality of learning doesn’t drop from one trainer to the next.

3. Make Messaging Consistent

Two people collaborating on a digital project using a tablet and smartphone. Keywords: videographer, videography, digital marketing, Mumbai.

Employees want consistency. They want consistent expectations, guidelines, and messaging. Ambiguous or inconsistent messaging are among the most frustrating issues for new employees. Well planned onboarding videos can eliminate inconsistencies to deliver clear, concise messaging your employees can internalize easily. Have the right information before you press the record button and the right information will be delivered to your employees every single time, they watch that video.

The best onboarding videos can also become valuable reference points for everyone in your company. Even Rockstar employees can forget the details of certain initiatives or policies. With a library of high-quality onboarding videos, they’ll be able to get the clarification they need at any time.

4. Learn On Demand

Focused woman using a laptop in a library, representing digital learning. Keywords: videographer, videography, digital marketing, Mumbai.

When organizations start creating onboarding videos, they often accumulate large libraries of content. Stored in a CMS, these video libraries serve as treasure troves of knowledge at staff’s fingertips.

A CMS lets employees watch training videos when it works for them, whether that’s during business hours or not. For very small organizations, this can be as simple as uploading them to YouTube. For more content control, there’s a wide range of content management systems on the market. Platforms such as Kaltura and Panopto boast learning-oriented features like video indexing, which marries video content to transcripts of what’s said during the video and any text that appears on screen. With this feature, employees looking for specific lessons or segments of video can search by what’s said in the video, not just keywords or tag phrases that can sometimes yield imprecise results.

Video on-demand learning, combined with features like video indexing, gives employees incredible control over what they learn and when. People can learn in small, bite-sized chunks. Research supports this kind of microlearning, suggesting it makes for a more digestible, more memorable onboarding experience.

5. Engage Your Employees

A diverse team of professionals collaborating on a project with laptops and documents in a modern office, focusing on teamwork and effective communication.

Many video platforms provide specialized features and services for educational purposes. This involves interactive video features that, for instance, test audiences on the information they have recently acquired. Many platforms provide in-depth analytics that you can utilize, such as engagement rates, view durations, drop-off numbers, etc. You are able to observe the duration that a new employee spends watching an onboarding video, the time they take before moving on, and, possibly most crucially, which areas are causing them difficulties.

Many individuals often hesitate to acknowledge their lack of understanding on specific concepts. However, if the data shows that an employee is repeatedly watching a specific video or segment, it might indicate that they require assistance. If colleagues are experiencing the same issue, it may indicate the need to revisit or inquire whether the information can be conveyed more effectively.

3 Awesome Employee Industrial Training And Onboarding Videos That Actually Work

Two people are shaking hands after a meeting.

More organizations than ever before are turning to video to overcome today’s challenges with traditional, person-to-person training and onboarding. However, it’s not enough to simply turn on a webcam and record. You need high-quality videos your employees will want to watch. Nobody wants to watch something that looks like it was shot on a potato, with audio that sounds like a drive-thru speaker.

Nevertheless, employers have begun utilizing these videos as essential resources for training remote employees. Now, more than ever, people will need to work from home as well, due to the increasing trend.

Designing an ideal onboarding video, whether for remote staff, in-office workers, or a combination of both, poses a difficulty. The message and idea selection are the most challenging aspects.

What should an ideal new employee video encompass? In this article, we have gathered 11 impressive new hire videos to spark inspiration and stimulate creativity.

Fortunately, there are numerous fantastic onboarding videos available for you to watch and draw inspiration from. Here are some of the ones we like the most:

Google - An Intern’s First Week

Two people are discussing some work in a meeting

Google is likely one of the top names that come to mind when considering excellent company cultures. They did an excellent job of conveying that message in the video.The video showcases five summer interns with diverse backgrounds, discussing their individual journeys – from their initial days to the particular tasks they completed. Naturally, enrolling in such a rigorous program is anxiety-inducing. This is the reason why the video’s general theme exudes a sense of warmth and hospitality. Creating a video for an internship or trainee program can greatly improve the onboarding experience for new employees.

Grubhub - A Day In The Life Of A Driver

a man is driving truck and smiling in front of camera.

Grubhub employs a large fleet of drivers to bring food straight to your door. Although the job may appear simple, it involves unexpected challenges that many may not foresee. Grubhub created a training video featuring a driver guiding new recruits through a delivery and offering helpful advice. The video guides us through a series of standard operating procedures (SOPs) that outline steps for achieving a successful delivery. We appreciate that this video is uncomplicated, concise, and casually shares insider advice. If you interact with customers regularly and are looking to bring on new staff, you should take a cue from Grubhub.

HubSpot - Storytelling At Its Best

Four people are discussing some work in a meeting

The key to making a compelling new employee onboarding video is storytelling. Two key components to achieve successful storytelling are: An engaging story – whether based on real events or made up – that is important and deserving of attention. A voice that is engaging and holding one’s attention HubSpot incorporated both strategies when producing this video on their company culture. The video, lasting only three and a half minutes, provides a concise overview of the company’s history, introduces the team, outlines their benefits, and highlights the values they aim to maintain in an engaging manner

The key Ingredient For Creating Successful Employee Industrial Training And Onboarding Videos.

Three people are shaking hands after meeting completion.

An onboarding checklist must include a new hire video as an essential element.

Creating a new employee onboarding video from the beginning requires a large amount of effort, as mentioned before. Prior to diving into detailed guidance, let’s go over a brief list of important topics your video needs to address:

  • A concise summary of the company.
  • The fundamental beliefs of the culture within your company
  • A brief overview of the team
  • A summary of the position
  • What a typical daily schedule entails
  • Advantages of being employed at your organization
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