August 9, 2024

7 SEO Metrics To Track Organic Search Performance

Google Analytics provides numerous SEO metrics to track organic search performance, but without tracking the proper ones, your conversion rates will not improve.

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Here Are The 7 Most Important SEO Metrics You Should Track To Stay On Top Of Organic Search Performance.

SEO Metrics Tool - 1. Bounce Rate

A bounce happens when a visitor exits a webpage without engaging further with the Google Analytics server, also known as a single-page session.

The bounce rate represent overall proportion of sessions that result bounces, occurring when a session begins and concludes on the same webpage.

By monitoring the bounce rate of your website you can gain insight into how visitors engaging with it. Of course, you desire for them to remain for as long as they can.

So, what is considered a favorable bounce rate? Robert Taylor from Advantix Digital clarifies that a high or low bounce rate can both be considered as “bad”.

SEO Metrics Tool - 2. Dwell Time

Dwell time is a measure that reflects the amount of time user stayed on your page before going back to the search result.

A low dwell time on particular page indicates that the content did not offer sufficient valuable information and align with the visitor’s search intent.

While dwell time and bounce rate may be similar, they do not convey the same meaning.

A bounce happens when the back button gets clicked without interacting with the page, regardless of the amount of time spent on the page.

Google takes into account dwell time when determining the ranking of your page; if the content is engaging enough to keep readers on your website longer, it will be ranked higher.

SEO Metrics Tool - 3. Time On Page

The indication of user activity on a specific page in Google Analytics is represented by the time on page metric.

If a person reads an article for 3 minutes, it will be recorded as one page view. Google Analytics will count it as two page views if they move on to another article after reading the first one.

This metric is important in assessing your website’s effectiveness.

Google found that users who spend more time on a webpage are more inclined to make a purchase and spend greater amounts compared to those who have shorter visits.

The data can be located in the All Pages report in GA, which also includes Avg. Metric measuring the amount of time spent on a particular page. This data is crucial for Google as it demonstrates user interaction.

SEO Metrics Tool - 4. Site Speed

The speed of a website is crucial as, the reality is, many of us lack patience when seeking information on the internet. Actually, make an effort to recall every instance when you found yourself clicking on a different Google page because the first one was too slow to load.

The speed of your website impacts not only your SEO but also your UI, as illustrated in the previous example.

To determine if your website is effectively optimized in this aspect, navigate to Behavior > Site Speed > Page Timings.

SEO Metrics Tool - 5. Traffic From Mobile Devices

The title of this metric indicates that it pertains to the mobile traffic that your website produces.

It’s important to keep a close eye on mobile traffic to promptly identify any anomalies that could have a negative impact on rankings.

Mobile traffic data is available by navigating to Audience > Mobile > Overview.

SEO Metrics Tool - 6. Return On Investment (ROI)

ROI is a key SEO metrics that marketers closely monitor to understand the financial impact of their campaigns.

Aleksandar Pesic from Market Republic advises to disregard metrics like traffic, bounce rate, and average page session that do not accurately reflect the financial impact of your efforts. Instead, you need to concentrate on monitoring objectives that demonstrate return on investment.

Pesic emphasizes that displaying keyword positions and traffic reports to the client is irrelevant if they do not see an impact on their financial statements.

SEO Metrics Tool - 7. Organic Conversion Rate

The organic conversion rate indicates the amount of site visitors who came from a search engine and successfully performed a specific action, such as making a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter.

For example, if Google sends 100 visitors to your website and 10 of them register for a product trial, the organic conversion rate shown in Google Analytics will be 10%.

This is Hosting Canada’s Gary Stevens’ take on this organic search metric.

I enjoy using Google Analytics for SEO by comparing traffic to conversions.

How To Report SEO Success Using SEO Metrics Tools?

Many SEO professionals often make the mistake of SEO reporting incorrectly, leading to tedious reports that bore stakeholders with dull statistics and unclear details.

Here are 3 key factors to focus on for successful reporting on SEO achievement:

Only Include The Most Important KPIs – Avoid overcrowding your SEO report with excessive metrics. Instead of displaying all KPIs, focus on the most important ones and tailor them to specific audiences (such as showing ROI, organic market share, and conversion rates to CEOs).

Present KPIs In An Understandable Manner – Ensure that the KPIs are not only visually appealing. The objective is not to beautify the report, but to ensure it is easy to comprehend.

Master The Art Of Data Storytelling – Data storytelling is a great method to assist stakeholders in comprehending the story hidden within the data. Providing only dry numbers without any context can bore and confuse your audience.

Key Takeaways

Utilizing Google Analytics for monitoring and enhancing SEO performance can greatly boost your website’s natural traffic and overall marketing strategy. By combining Google Analytics and Google Search Console, you can access detailed SEO information and pinpoint areas for enhancing performance using specific keywords and landing pages.

Establishing goals related to SEO and implementing proper filters guarantees precise reporting by removing spam traffic. Monitoring PPC expenses, evaluating Google’s perception of your site, and developing personalized SEO dashboards provide enhanced understanding of website effectiveness. Creating notifications for important data points and finding easy ways to increase website visitors can support and enhance search engine rankings.

Furthermore, analyzing internal website searches can reveal fresh keyword possibilities, while observing page loading speeds is essential for improving user satisfaction and search engine rankings. Through utilizing these characteristics and methods, you can efficiently oversee and enhance your SEO campaigns with Google Analytics.


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Indeed, for best outcomes, it is advised to utilize Google Analytics in conjunction with other SEO tools. Numerous SEO experts utilize a minimum of two extra tools to assess the effectiveness of their SEO efforts.

Many experts analyze their SEO data on a weekly basis, but a few keep track of it daily to quickly tweak their tactics.

Use the correct filters to remove spam traffic and form segments to concentrate on important data. This guarantees that your SEO reports are precise and trustworthy.

Link your Google Analytics account to AdWords for efficient monitoring and management of your PPC campaigns. This merging aids in monitoring the effectiveness of paid advertisements and enhancing expenditure.

Utilize the Site Speed report to locate pages that have slow loading times. Dealing with these problems enhances user satisfaction and search engine rankings, which in turn supports website functionality.

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